A few days ago, we completed (yet another) home improvement/remodeling project. Generally, we try to do projects on the sly when the children are otherwise occupied (preferably asleep) to save ourselves from persistent offers of help or the ferreting away of tools. However, we thought this pantry remodel would be quick so we dared to do it during normal waking hours.

Helios, in the role of Bob the Builder, was ever present. We bought him his own set of play tools for Christmas 2005 but he eschews those. We suspect he's not interested in them because we don't produce any squeals of alarm when he wields his plastic screwdriver in the air wildly. We try to give him little jobs as we can, generally involving bagging screws and picking up debris. But, he's no fool and he's rarely satisified with that for long before he goes for the big guns (meaning the drill, of course).

Hesperos, on the other hand, is characteristically "chilled" and is literally just kicking back while everyone else works. Briefly he was interested in getting into all of the pantry items that were temporarily sitting on the floor while we worked but then something shiny caught his eye (one of Helios' coveted trains that Hesperos would've never had the opportunity to even breathe on had his brother been paying attention) and he quickly abandoned his effort to cause pantry mischief in favor of mischief of another kind ... specifically causing his brother anxiety. ("No, Hesperos, no! *finger shake* My trains! Naughty Hesperos!")

And here's the bonus picture for the day, since I couldn't think of a story to weave around it. In between improvement projects, children must be fed (and napped). So, while Hesperos was trapped in his high chair during a project pause, Helios took the opportunity to give his little brother kisses and tickle his knees. Hesperos responded in kind by trying to fit in a few grabs of Helios' hair.
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