We arrived at the hospital with a little smattering of applause from Helios who recognized it as the "baby store" where we got little brother Hesperos. For anyone wondering, yes, Helios has asked for "more Hesperos, more Hesperos come home!" No, there won't be any more. Helios will just need to get a dog, cat, gerbil, hamster, or boa constrictor to satisfy his big brother desires.

Helios was given a liquid sedative which made him a little sleepy. He was then wrapped in a heated blanket and taken back to the operating room, carried by the anesthesiologist. The two tubes were inserted, and he was then taken to a recovery room where he slept for another 45 minutes without the aid of anaesthesia. The medical staff were quite impressed that he was out for about 90 minutes and didn't wet his underwear (they recommend diapers for the operation up to 4 years old). The nurses kept trying to wake him up but he was probably enjoying the snooze. It took Mommy suggesting that they offer him food and orange juice. Surprise, surprise, he woke up immediately.
Upon returning to the prep room, Helios chilled for a little bit before he developed the shakes and started crying. He got over that within about 20 minutes and then we proceeded back to the car where Helios feasted on orange juice, veggie bacon, Cheerios, and toaster waffle before going to daycare.
The unfortunate side note is that in the mere two weeks since Helios got his ear tubes, he already has had one ear infection. But, we hope to see more improvement in the weeks to come. The next step is ear replacement surgery.
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