Halloween day started off with the boys cramming down breakfast, possibly the last semi-nutritious food they'd have for the day, before clambering into their costumes. Because Mommy didn't want the boys to wear their "real" costumes to daycare, we pulled out Thomas the Tank Engine for Helios (this costume's second annual engagement!) and threw together a Bob the Builder ensemble for Hesperos. Off they traipsed to school with Daddy, carrying with them boxes of homemade pumpkin cupcakes with cheesecake frosting and pumpkin cookies to share with their classmates (because there's nothing better than 40 children under 4 years old pumped full of Halloween adrenaline and sugar...and knowing that only 2 of those kids will be coming home with you!).
After work and school, the family gathered together to put on their real costumes, created by Mommy and inspired by Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat. Helios and Hesperos made their appearances as Thing 1 and Thing 2, respectively. Daddy helped make it a trio of motley characters through his appearance as the Cat in the Hat (looking a little bit like the Cat was recovering from a weekend bender). At the time this picture was taken, Hesperos wasn't too keen into wearing his fluffy wig, so we just told people that Thing 2 was going through a coming-of-age hair style crisis.
Following trick-or-treating activities, we ran into Uncle Elmo, Aunt Sully, cousins Oscar, Rose, and Jasmine, and Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Igor at the local burger joint, where Helios was appropriately horrified by perhaps the most terrifying event of the evening: being hugged by Uncle Elmo. But, Helios was revenged upon Uncle Elmo. Mommy tossed Uncle Elmo the black cat tail that Daddy had used (and been sitting on). Uncle Elmo rubbed it against his cheek, casting lustful cow's eyes in Aunt Sully's direction as he waxed eloquent about how soft the tail was and how sexy it'd look being worn. When Mommy told Uncle Elmo that the tail being caressed had previously festooned Daddy's bottom, Uncle Elmo dropped it like a hot potato, with an appropriate amount of horror.
After dinner, we went home and did the requisite, time-honored fight for candy privileges, filled with the normal, labored arguments and negotiation. ("No more candy until tomorrow." "That has nuts and you can't eat it; give it to Mommy." "That's too small for Hesperos, he could choke." "No gum because you'll swallow it and it'll stick to your teeth." "NO JAW BREAKERS! DO NOT PUT THAT INTO YOUR MOUTH!" and on and on...) Helios was distracted from the debate a few times when we finally gave into his desire to try on Daddy's Cat Hat and tail (apparently everyone wanted a little tail that night). He walked around the foyer, shaking his bottom, saying "meeeeow! I'm a cat!"
The evening was concluded by a much-needed, post-chocolate-eating-frenzy bath, and two little Things who snoozed the night away.
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