Daddy filled in as assistant coach, the role for which he must've been preparing throughout his entire adolesence when he was a soccer player himself. Daddy's assistant coach title not only entitled him to help keep Helios in line, but also allowed Daddy and Helios to have matching t-shirts.
As possibly the youngest child in the room (the requirement was for the child to turn 3 by first game and Helios had aged like a fine cheese just two weeks before the start of the "season"), Helios was a bit intimidated by the other children's size and speed, and maybe a bit put off by the slight belligerence of some of the parents. (Truly, no parent is truly immune from the 'my-kid-is-the-best-but-why-is-he-playing-so-poorly' syndrome, although some control it better than others.) So, as like as not, Helios spent the first ten games or so climbing over the rubber barriers and running in circles on the field by himself.
Near the end of the season, however, Helios finally started to get into it, kicking a few goals himself and delighting in the resulting cheers (whether imagined or real).
The last game of the season brought with it a celebratory party during which Helios received his first trophy, as well as a couple of doughnuts that made the napping attempts later just that much more special. A little tuckered out, Helios rested his head on little brother Hesperos' lap -- Hesperos always being Helios' greatest fan.
... and starting next week is basketball!